Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Will scooter really pay that fine or will his defence fund cover that as well?

why do we bother, our justice system is a joke.
Agreed. This is the worst presidency in history. The Daily Show can't even keep up. Even if he does 'pay' the fine, his buddies will look after him. Anyone running as a Republican in the next election must be an idiot. The Cheney Regime is screwing this party for ages to come.
He won't. Watch the fine be paid by others. This whole situation is ridiculous.

It's kinda scary that no matter how low Bush's approvals go, there will still be a core of true believers.

I think there could be incontrovertable video evidence of George and Osama at Camp David planning 9/11 and celebrating the day's work by roasting a live baby and eating it -- with white wine, no less -- and there would still be people saying "Media bias!! Best President Ever!"
Yeah, I hear you.

The law is exempt for some in power, while if we jaywalk, we get thrown in jail.

The American governmental system is really starting to anger me.
Scooter will never pay a dime, he will be given a job on the board of directors of the American Enterprise Institute and vacation in the Bahamas with Kenny "Boy" Lay.
Are you kidding? They are already starting his speaking career, and he signed a book deal quicker than the news was released. Best is the fact that there is a 'fund raiser' planned to pay his fines without it costing him a cent.

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