Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why the big push to get people drinking tap water?

In a country run by corporation who want money, money, money why the sudden push to get people drinking tap water. I won't drink it. The EPA is useless. Makes me wonder if they have some dark motive like poisoning people.
the water wasn't safe, so they went to bottled, like they did in europe eons ago and now they are worrying about the plastic garbage.
There are no quick fixes and when they stop trying to put bandaids on things then maybe it will stop.
Spending money on giving us clean water seems like the last thing on their list.
I don't drink the water out of the tap either, I have a reverse osmosis system in my home..
well worth the money and I don't have to deal with the plastic garbage... hello... it is affordable and in the long run pays for itself in no time flat.
The push is for city employees to use tap water rather than bottled water to save money for the city. I think I heard that LA spends millions a year on bottled water. And the EPA is hardcore on environmental protection. I believe they are one of the few agencies that do there jobs as best they can. Why would they poison the water?

Too many people are watching conspiracy movies. Or possibly have schizophrenia. No one is out to get you or poison you.
Tap water contains flouride which helps teeth. We've seem increases in cavaties and mouth disease, including oral cancer due in part to the huge shift to bottle water-people need more flouride than they are getting.

There were a bunch of articles on it when the push first started, lots of info was available. Then the flouride conspiracies started surfacing again and they pointed to other reasons for the move back to tap water.
Its about illustrating how pointless it is to spend so much money needlessly on bottled water.
To do away with all those plastic bottles.
First - to reduce the waste (in energy and material) used to create the bottles.
Second - to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels (in transporting the loaded bottles to the place of consumption).
Third - to try to 'clean up' the bottled water industry, since there is absolutely no guarantee that the water in the bottle is not tap water in the first place (particularly in less well-developed countries).
Fourth - the rise in health issues (like cavities, etc) caused by omitting the preventive measures (like fluoride and chlorine) from the water consumption process ... particularly in urban environments.

Do you need me to continue?
Tap water is just more economical for everybody. I heard on the news that a person who drinks bottled water, 8 8 ounce glasses a day, spends up to $1500.00 per year on water. A person who drinks tap water spends about fifty cents. Think of all the landfill trash the water bottles make and how much petroleum it takes to produce all that plastic. Bottled water also lacks flouride. If your city water tastes good, why drink bottled?

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