Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why has there been no criminal investigation into September the 11th?

I previously asked this question with a great answer, What do you think about the governments official conspiracy theories about 9/11?;...

9/11: Press for Truth

Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear %26 the Selling of American Empire

9/11 The Myth and the Reality: Dr. David Ray Griffin
There never will be an honest, scientific inquiry into 911, as the leaders of our government have blocked any such action. Much of the physical evidence was destroyed or shipped to the far east(all of the steel, as none was analized). And how could a honest scientific study explain how a steel structure could collapse inside its own footprint from debris that would have had to travel through another building to rupture a fuel tank which then would generate heat over 1800 degrees in order to melt steel, then surgically topple WTC7 as neatly as it did. these idiots give bin laden way too much credit and in reality are just insulting our intelligence. Don't forget we got the "Patriot Act" as a bonus. its not lol it's COL
Truth: Planes hit buildings and buildings fall down.

Cause: Islamic terrorists

well they were al-quaida members and they were suicide bomber so they were dead so u cant investigate them
you can try going to youtube and search on it... there's some clips that tells u about 9/11. there was 1 clip i saw and i almost fainted... because what they mentioned is pretty true.. it's gotta do with the building structure and collasping thingy.
Purdue University is now a part of the government conspiracy. They say you people are nuts too.
If there was a real investigation than the money trail would be followed and that would not be good for America at all. If the citizens of this country found out that we financed the attacks and that Osama bin Laden was not the mastermind than we would have a very serious problem.
Not to mention that most of the evidence was destroyed
"Ben Laden," eh?

Just another reason why I'll never believe these conspiracy theories. If you can't even spell Bin Laden correctly, then you obvioulsy don't know what's going on in the world.
because i was there, i lived it and you didnt. asked and answered hundreds of times...for the last time...
give it up and move on.
Maybe you are just lucky to be privy to things others in power have no idea about. I'm being sarcastic in case you didn't catch on.
Not sure why. Most countries would have least commissioned an inquiry to establish whether or not it could have been prevented. Did this not occur in the US?

As for the conspiracy theories I like to keep an open mind but I am amused that Americans are more likely to believe in Alien 'Roswell' conspiracy theories than they are likely to even consider who planned and orchestrated 9/11. After all what's 3000 lives to a little boy that wants to make someone pay for humiliating his Daddy? Ruling it out with out even thinking about it is pretty narrow minded stuff.
9/11 was not an inside job, seriously, this is getting ridiculous. Loose Change is Bullshit.
Zionist power!
you really expect the prime suspects to call an independent enquiry themselves? start electing officials who will support it -and boycott media which suppresses it!
Yes ther is a conspiracy

FBI had already known that there is a group of arabs planning to hit the tower and they allowed them to go in and out in USA ,and the planes of wars had been already ready ,so after monthes of the falling of the tower ,the first war has begun ,and the second war in iraq was directed to take oil from there .

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