Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why is Algore son getting away with his drug dealing?

Because his daddy gave him carbon credits to offset his drug use.
same reason Foley got away with child predatory!
MMMMM Washington D.C %26 politics I wonder why ?
It was possession, not dealing, and they'd better be filing charges against him.
Because he is Al Gores son
b/c he's in a family that famous, rich, powerful and his dad's a democrat (who are allowed to do and say whatever they want with no consequences). By the these are similar reasons why Bill Clinton's brother got away with cocaine possession years ago.
Don't get me wrong: I think Al Gore is a pompous, self-righteous windbag who has earned his place in the Mediocrity Hall of Fame, but:

If he didn't commit the offense, how can he "get away" with it?

Let's not hold him responsible for the independent acts of his son unless there is evidence that he was complicit. There is soooo much more that Al Gore should have been prosecuted for (accepting campaign cash from the communist Chinese, etc.), but not this.

Gore may want to turn the U.S. into a country of tree-hugging socialists, but our criminal justice system doesn't impute legal culpability to someone just because his son stepped out of line.

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