Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why is this?

Why would a 25 year old woman who committed a federal crime in Texas (drugs) be serving her sentence in West Virginia? And would she serve her 5 years probation in Texas or WV?
Due to overcrowding and people not wanting prisons near them, there is a shortage of beds in the pen. Isn't that ironic? One answer is the practice of a prison buying space at another. Prisoners from Hawaii are sent to Kentucky to serve their sentences. This also happens within states on the county level and probably happens without the selling part at the federal level. Any probation would probably be served in the state of the offense or in the persons home state.
Maybe they only had room in the WV prison. And you usually serve probation where you live, I think. So unless she moved, she probably would serve it in TX.
Why do you ask? ARE YOU A CRIMINAL??! Lol.
Since its a federal crime, maybe the WV facility is less crowded than the TX facility. Seems to me she would serve her probation in TX.
Many states send their prisoners to other states where the cost is a lot cheaper. She'd serve her probation in Texas until she formally requested a move to some other state and a change of her status.
Some states pay other states to house their prisoners, due to lack of space in their own facilities.
When you commit a federal crime you go to federal prison. It doesn't have to be in the same state.
What difference does it make where she serves her time.
Are you saying the Texas prison may be easier than WV.
She can serve her probation anywhere the court lets her do it.

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