Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why is it bad to smoke marijuana?

I mean, the government will let you go to war, murder people, and probably die. But they won't let you do something that doesn't harm anyone and is fun?
You mean, aside from it being illegal?

Basically, any drug causes impairment and biochemical side effects. Marijuana is generally considered by most medical professionals to be as bad as alcohol in its non-smoked form, and as bad as cigarettes in its smoked form.
Not a damn thing wrong with it.
Dude!...You mean its WRONG!!!...wooooooh!
Anything in excess is bad.
Drinking wine has some health benefits.
Drinking wine until your liver fails does not have health benefits.

It does seem odd that alcohol and cigarettes are both legal- but smoking pot is not.

I read in Alaska it's illegal to shoot whales from a plane.

Why bother to have a law about it?
Because someone did it, and their defense is "it's not against the law!"

remember the mindset was a little different when it became illegal.

Here is a famous movie concerning how people thought of the famous leaf.
It's mean to be a deterent for those who thought about smoking it.

You are in luck- it's public domain
Reefer madness:

Here is the blurb on the movie:

"Propaganda film that relates the story, as told by high school principal Dr. Carroll to parents at a PTA meeting, of the scourge of marijuana. The tale revolves around Mae and Jack, accomplices in the distribution of marijuana, who manage to entice the local high school kids to stop by Mae's apartment to smoke reefer. The lives of all who are involved with this menace are inevitably shattered. One youngster becomes so addicted to the killer weed that a judge orders him to be committed for life to a mental hospital! Dr. Carroll advises us to not incur the same tragedy."
Honestly? Most people don't smoke pot, so they just don't care about prohibitions against its use. I'm basically one of those people. (Never smoked a joint in my life!) Besides, from my point of view, the government pushes us around in a million ways that means more to me than your right to smoke dope. Again, how does that affect me? So, again, your biggest problem is getting people to care. And it seems that the only people who do care are all stoners and they are more worried about finding something to eat than overturning an unjust law.

With that said, I agree with your basic point that in a country founded on freedom, in a country where drinking is legal and smoking is legal, it's hard to argue that marijuana use should be illegal. Of course, you taint your own argument with such stupid comments about the government "letting" you go to war, murder people, etc. I fear that your brain may be showing that dope does have detrimental affects!

Many laws never get to the questions of just and unjust, right and wrong. Because there is so much apathy in this country, people just accept many stupid laws at face value, laws that IF challenged would be overturned. Another problem is that judges and courts are NOT unbiased interpreters of the law. There IS a perception that you stoners will run amok with your dope smoking and the greater good is served by preventing that, EVEN IF no law supports it. So, you're going to have a tough time rallying the troops behind your outrage, a tough time finding people willing to fight the fight for legalization. It just so happens that something you like to do probably should be legal but isn't and there is no light at the end of the tunnel to change that. Sorry. Blaze one to soothe your anger. Chill my friend.
Aside from the physical damages smoking marijuana does to your body, I fail to find an answer in any possible way. It would actually decrease crime and increase governmental funding if they legalized it and taxed it to a certain degree. Joints sold like cigarettes baby!
its bad its not fun it will kill you faster than war it harms everyone war is mostly necessary to keep the USA. drugs should remain illegal and believe it or not a person under the influence of drugs is more likely to kill more people than a soldier
it makes one lazy, lose short term member and it's illegal by
the food and drug administration.
marijuana kills you and makes you do stupid stuff.What do you think marijuana is...a tea party.DON'T YOU THINK AMERICA HAS ENOUGHT PROBLEMS ALREADY!!


Pot affects a user’s judgment, motor coordination, and short-term memory. Weed can cause increased heart rate and make some users extremely anxious or paranoid. Smoking marijuana also causes some changes in the brain similar to those caused by long-term use of cocaine and heroin.

Research found that students with an average grade of “D” or below were more than four times as likely to have used marijuana in the past year as students who reported an average grade of “A.”44 Students who have smoked marijuana within the past year are more than twice as likely to have cut class than those who did not smoke, while health problems associated with using marijuana can keep students from attending school due to illness.

Regular marijuana users often have shortened attention spans, decreased energy and ambition, poor judgment, high distractibility, and impaired ability to communicate and relate to others. Young people who use marijuana weekly have double the risk of depression later in life.


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