Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why is marijuana illegal?

Because We the People wanted it that way

If enough people are sold on a stupid idea for long enough, it eventually becomes just too much trouble to do things differently.
because people are stupid and use it in exess just like they do with alcohol but the congress is a bunch of alchys so they dont outlaw it
Just so you know, you opened a stoners Pandora's box. Now do you want the reason marijuana is illegal according to the US government or the reason it is illegal in peoples opinion? The United Sates Government illegalized marijuana saying it was a harmful drug. Twice as harful as tobacco or alcohol. That it influences criminal before, impairs mental abilities, and that it leads to harder drug use. Now, in my opinion, it is because they cannot control the sale of marijuana and therefore make no profit off of it. It is easier to fine people and give them jail time and make money that way off of marijuana, then try to regulate the sale of it like tobacco. See, not many people could grow a well-to-do crop of tobacco, so it has to be farmed. Marijuana, however, can be grown by Johnny D. Dumbass in his basement of the filed behind his house.
It should be illegal all over the world since any and all MIND-ALTERING substances cause a myriad of grave problems not only to those who engage in that consumption, but to all around them.
I don't care if they hurt themselves since they choose that way of life, but when it comes to hurt all people and children AND animals around them, then it's when I feel they should be severely punished and isolated.

Some claim they are medicinal...medicinal my eye! If one needs it let him/her get a prescription.

My 2 cents!
Because the potheads don't vote -- just a guess. For some reason the politicians think they look tough on law and order by keeping it illegal. Even though maintaining the black market has damaged more lives than the poor little plant merits The war on drugs is like the war on terror -- nothing but propaganda.
because of the "stroke" of corporate america who put the candidates in the legislative, exucutive and judicial branches of government. Imagine the impact of legalizing marijuana would have on: Anheuser Busch, Constellation Brands, and Pfizer pharmaceuticals. At the very least it would erode their "bottom line". People who chose to smoke marijuana would not be spending their money on Budweiser, Wild Irish Rose wine or Valium. Also marijuana is a plant, and because of its status as such, it cannot be patented!
It's illegal because the politicians are connected to the gangsters who are connected to the bankers who are connected to the banksters.

By making it illegal the gangsters can make a lot of money (supply and demand) and that money goes to politicians and bankers. So it's in the interest of the rich and powerful to make it illegal and drive up the cost.
Well,again it is to be gov.,controlled . I do belive it should be LEGAL,most of your gov.officals do use ! IT is great for medical use !! The gov. has to make money so therefore, they make major money when they make busts on the marijuana,they are able to use in other cases to make larger ,busts it helps the officals to get in when the bigger drug rings !! Plus the officals get to smoke the best of the best !

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