Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why is it ok for police and troopers to drive and talk on the phone/?

If the citizens drive and talk on the phone they get tickets. So what is the difference?
Because if they pulled over to answer every call or respond to ever question or statement directed to them via Cell Phone or Radio then they would never accomplish the things they have set for a shift.

Try thinking next time.
Cute, but no cigar! It is an integral part of their job duties at various times.
They can also speed and tailgate.The difference is they get away with it.
Are you having to respond to drug dealers, people trying to shoot each other, buildings catching on fire, fatality traffic accidents, etc ... while you are out driving your car? No.

Police can drive and talk on the phone/radio because it is necessary to perform their required duties, and because it is required to ensure the public safety.

Look at the big picture ... not just the little section of it you can use to your own advantage.
Sometimes we have to dispatch calls via cell phone, for all those people in "scanner land" who dont need to know our business...
It acutally is not ok. Police have to adhere to normal traffic laws unless they are responding to an emergency and have their lights and sirens going. Most people are unaware that they can report officers who violate traffic laws. I say that the next time you see this occur, get the car number and call the local station. With enough complaints, something will get done to curtail this behavior.
it shouldn't be none of your buisness!!

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