Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why is there so much talk about the smoking ban now that it has come to England?

Ireland has had it longer than anyone and it came into force in Scotland over a year ago. None of us made the song and dance that the English are now making!
i know i just moved here from ireland. everything is always such a drama over here!
I beg to differ. I seem to rem the same song and dance in Scotland when it happened.
It is such a big deal i guess, and us english always make mountains out of mole hills, but personally i am glad of the ban :)
We've had it in the states for years and frankly its quite wonderful.
Because there are so many more English, and therefore the noise the radical minority make is louder. They absolutely can't see any health benefits, and indeed any infringement of their smokers rights is cause for fury.
They'd go out and protest, but they're all out of breath from all the ciggies they've puffed.

There wasn't a lot of noise about it in Scotland, a few irate letters to the Daily Record aren't exactly the genesis of a huge debate. But then Scotland is a land with rather poor general health, and anything done to address that should have been obvious even to smokers.
This law is bollocks! Excuse my language. I went out last night, and us smokers still had spirit, and stuck together, but inside the pubs we went were empty, Never have I seen them that empty. Pubs are losing money!
Now now did you really have to ask you should know better. They will ok in a while. There not bad souls really just a bit emotional.
Some people have short memories or perhaps television in Scotland and Ireland is censored! I remember interviews with radical Irish and Scottish people saying they were going to ignore the ban - it was a breach of their rights etc. etc.

I am an English smoker and have been for more years than I care to count but I SUPPORT THE BAN. If I want to smoke that is up to me, but why should others be force to smoke with me1
It's the press and its the Silly Season - they've got nothing else to talk about. They're still talking about Princess Diana for goodness sake. If they didn't do stuff like this the newspapers would be a single sheet.
there was just as much if a song and dance in ireland, scotland and wales as i remember it and the last time i was in chester visiting friends they commented how wierd it was to be in a pub that allowed smoking as they're welsh and hadnt been into england to drink since the ban came in over there in april, one even commented how horrible it was and he was the only smoker in the group so go figure
because its an infringement of human rights and scotland wales and ireland didnt fight it so england are trying to kick up a fuss

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