I mean, I am keeping up with the Boulder, CO, case on a child abuse that ended up taking a 2 onth olds life. Well it took almost a year after the Coroner determined it was a homicide to bring charges up against the Parents. The Father's, father owns a lot of land in Boulder and has lots of money. Also in the stebic missing wife case in Illinois, the husband is just a person of interest although they were going through a divorce, and he has no alibi, that I have heard of. He is swimming with the reporter covering his case. The police have said he has offered little cooperation. Yet he walks a s free as a bird. Is this not a problem?
I think it was George Bernard Shaw who said, "The Courts are there to separate the Rich from the poor and free the Rich."
A large part of the problem is that Prosecutors are politicians. Most see the job as a way of building a resume on which to seek higher office. The same is also often true of Judges.
So, they tend to shy away from offending influential people, which might hurt them when they run for office.
Also, because they care more about their futures than their jobs, conviction rates become more important than Justice.
We had a case, also in Illinois, where a woman's murder conviction was overturned because she had the perfect alibi. She was in prison when the crime occurred. Nobody bothered to check.
Poor people are easier to convict. Their Legal Aid Lawyers like to plead them out even if they are innocent, because an adequate defense is expensive. Lazy prosecutors get so good at railroading the poor and middle class that they don't build the cases they need to convict someone who is well defended. This shows up in any number of High profile cases.
It can't be denied that R. Kelly likes his 15 year olds. He married Aliyah when she was fifteen. But he's going to walk on his Statuatory Rape Case, Because Prosecators filed charges with no real evidence except a videotape with no time stamp and no provenance. There's no way of proving how old the woman in the tape is, and the "Victim" denies that it's her.
Gil Garcetti failed to convict the cops in the Rodney King Case even though the whole world, almost literally the whole world watched them commit the crime.
Mike Nifong wouldn't have gotten caught trying to rig the Duke Rape Case if the defendants parents weren't rich enough to afford good attorneys.
The Stebic case is the kind that makes prosecutors especially antsy. They don't even have proof that there was a crime. Lisa Stebic might turn alive up in a crack house raid any day now, or some carjacker could confess to her murder.
Without a body, it's tough to press charges and could blow up the Prosecutors faces pretty easily. Is Stebic guilty? Probably. It's usually the husband. But, because he can afford a good lawyer, the Prosecution has to prove it. And right now they can't.
A few hours after I answered this question, I took a look at a map. Both the Stebic case and the case of the woman who was wrongfully convicted of a murder that was committed in Bolingbrook, Il while she was in prison elsewhere, happened in Will County, Il. Same State's Atty in both cases.
They can afford new brakes.
because rich people hire expensive lawyers that are better-apt to exploit the law to their benefit
Quite simple.
They can afford the lawyers who know all the loopholes, the normal man in the street just gets one who goes by the book
This is very unfortunate, yet it happens a lot.
Don't know if you have heard of the UK kidnapping case of Madeleine Mccann.
Her wealthy educated parents left 3 kids under 3 alone in a room while they left the building for dinner, and one went missing.
They have wandered around since then living the high life, it is disgusting.
Double standards, a single mum would have been in the immediate firing line.
Generally speaking, more money brings better representation.better representation means more contacts in the judicial system and/or better resources to serve a client. I am not familiar with the cases you mention; but I feel justice is blind until the roll of $100 bills is heard.
If the affluent ones were disliked by certain people in the community, affecting their assets, you can bet they'd not be catching those breaks. The justice system is warped.
I definitely thinks it's a problem. I think that people who are in the public eye, such as rich people, political figures and celebrities, should be held to even higher standards and have even higher consequences for their actions, as they are the ones the rest of the public looks up to. (unfortunately)
welcome to America, its a big problem, but thats the way the ball falls Jack
Because they got the money to pay big shot lwayers that can essentially buy justice. Because we got a government that sees that the rich get richer while everty one else gets poorer. Did you know that a billionaire pays a lower percentage of their income in income tax than then an auto worker or a carpenter? That's why. If you ain't rich you are in the way of government and a burn on rich people getting richer, that's what the government want's.
That's why.
Rule one of life - Dem dats got gits.
It takes money to afford the lawyers and pay all the fees. We have richman's justice.
First you must understand ... and of course some liar (lawyer) or attorney reading this will most likley have my answer removed as is the case in many that I expose the truth - as it is ther livelihood and their ball game - I will tell you how it is ... read it fast before it is removed and I am complained of:
Dont' believe it - watch the negative responses I get in the voting ... each one is most likely from an attorney or a licensed liar ...
First - the system is set up to fleece the flocks - the little man.
Trump charges can be waged against 100,000 people at a tune of a fine of $350.00 each - compaired to one person that eats lunch with the judge or donates to his re-election campaign ... which sounds better to you if you were a judge.
Cops are reluctant to file charges against ones they know the judge eats with, or one that gives out of the plenty he has to help by donating his ill gotten funds - to support public causes that attract people to go to those places so they can get ticketed on the way.
BUT; there is a way that YOU CAN FIGHT BACK ... and even make a bundle from it.
You have been allowed by Congress to become a "PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL", wherein any person (which is the key - as a person is actually a corporation and that is what most statutes, codes and/or etc. are created against - the person ... and this is too complicated to get into - but; if you look at your credit cards, your drivers license, your Mortgage, bank account and/or etc. you will see your name is in ALL CAPS ... but; your proper english name is like ... Al Founder Johnson ... not ALL CAPS - the ALL CAPS NAME IS A CORPORATION and unless you know how to take back the corporation formed/ the Trust fund created in your name at birth - you are stuck under the corporate laws of the states and the usa. Look on the back of your Birth Certificate - usually there is a policy or trust fund number in red on the back - that is the account that all your property is filed under ... IT IS NOT YOU ... IT IS A TRUST FUND that can be liened against and that is how the IRS and/or etc. can take that property YOU THOUGHT YOU OWNED ... and transfer it to their corporate account - through John Snow, the guy over all bankruptcy accounts in the old usa) -
Wherein any person can do the investigation and bring charges according to the RICO act - and of course allowing known felons to roam free is violations of the RICO act - you have the right to prosecute and even collect from such criminal acts in a civil court. Not many want you to know that; however and,
You write them an Affidavit of your facts that they violated certain laws - for instance; showing they do not uphold equal protections of the law. You prove your claim and bill them at least 10, 000.00 for each violation of each and every law, statute, constitutional right and/or etc. that you can prove they violated, and tally it up.
Then you send the Affidavit to the person - giving them 7 days to answer ... if they do not - and they most likely will not - then you send them an Invoice/true bill for the amount you know of them violating or infringing upon ... and tell them to pay immediately or if not - you will multiply the total amount times 3, for punative damages and conduct a Notarial Protest.
You need to do this service through Registered Mail - be sure to include an Affidavit of Service and WRITE ON THE LETTER/AFFIDAVIT ITSELF - THE REGISTERED MAIL NO. OF THE REQUESTED RETURN RECEIPT ... Then it will be bona fide fact that you sent that letter in the presentment stated and you will get the return receipt back showing they received it.
When they don't answer or answer in part - if they defend fully against one or two charges - then you make amendment to the original Affidavit, correcting the changes and the invoice should reflect whether or not they successfully rebutted the certain charge - then just keep the billing going for those they could not defend against -
Do the process again - and if no answer and no payment -
You Request a Notary Public to conduct a Natorial Protest. I know a Notary Public in my state that can do this for you if you cannot find one and then all you would need to do is make another affidavit after the protest was done to certify by a Notary Public in your state that the one out of state did a Notary Protest for you - it is lawful and very powerful.
Once turned over for a Notarial Protest - the State official (Notary Public) will then take full charge and send by Registered mail to the one you are owed by - they will ask for the money owed, or a rebuttal to the facts showing they do not owe ... if they do not write back the Notary Public within the 7 days or however many determined - then the Notary Public will send again by Registered mail - FOR THEM TO PAY THE BILL. Along with the second mailing the Notary Public will include a Certificate of Dishonor with the package telling the one owing that they have dishonored the presentments thus far.
If the bill is not paid immediately within such and such time (no longer allowed to rebutt that owed - as they gave up that right and the only way to satisfy their debt for violating the laws, statutes and/or etc. or infringing on constitutional issues is to PAY) - if not paid in that amount of time by the Notary Public receiving the check in the mail by Registed Mail -
He simply writes a Certificate of Default and sends a copy to the person in Default and sends you back all your stuff (keeping a copy in his record).
Now comes the part some would twist as legal advice - so - I will tell you only what I do ... and not what I would do ...
I take that Certificate of Dishonor and the Certificate of Default, along with the rest of the stuff sent the person down to the District Court and file a EX PARTE Default Judgment.
There is no need to file it any other way, as the one did not contest the bill, did not contest what he was being charged for and there is NOTHING LEFT FOR THE COURT TO DECIDE ... Nothing to be heard - all the evidence necessary is for the Certificates and the billing to be shown the judge - judge looks to see if the Notarial Process was properly conducted and the judge cannot rule against it if it is properly completed as he DOES NOT HAVE JURISDICTION TO OVERTURN A NOTARIAL PROTEST ...
The judge will then issue me the Default Judgment entitling me to collect from the corrupt official - whether cop, lawyer, attorney, judge, investigator, senator, congressman - don't matter whom it is - they are all liable to the Order of the Court.
Then I file the proper papers to compell the court to give order to the Sheriff, to go out and sell the guys house, car, bowling ball and/or etc. to pay the bill in full - I could even place a highest bid on the house and land and apply it against the amount owed on the bill ...
Then I would charge the person for my services rendered in having to file against him and to do the collections - and add it back to the bill. This process is one that cannot be fought against - the IRS uses an unlawful approach to this and you can ask Willie Nelson if it can be used ...
Hope this helped answer what could be done - though not asked ... and you best read quickly before some jealous and greedy jerk has this answer removed so none can be informed as to what I do ... and the process is fully lawfull for anyone to employ - if you know what to do ... you can check out my profile as well.
Yes! and I agree with you 100% but the key word in your question (Affluent) and money like all of these high profile or dirt bag celebrities that get themselves in trouble (Hilton) they think because they have or there parents have money they can get out of anything or they may have contributed to a judge's re-election campaign.
I hope all of these parents get nailed to the cross on offense intended but to take a life of a young child I'd throw there behinds under the jail and you better believe when they get put in jail the general population is not going to welcome them with open arms or hugs and kisses either right or wrong?
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