Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why is it bad to purchase prescription drugs from an Internet...?

Pharmacy. Shouldnt americans have the right to purchase any and all types of prescription meds that are FDA approved? Does mexico have huge problems with the fact that their drugstores sell medications that our government considers "controlled " substance. What gives the usa government the right to "controll" our prescription drug usage? And Why do they get to tell us that we cant buy certain pills overseas.. because it breaks the law for importing illegal and controlled substances. Even though its maybe just a canadian type "222" remember the days when you could get "cherachol" cough syrup. Great for calming a bad sore coug.h. Anyways any insight on this issue? ***just a lil rant**
For what it's worth, an independent study of drugs purchased from Canada found that many of the prescription drugs actually originated in China - and were often of a lesser dose and sometimes weren't even equivalent or generic.
It's your body - do you really want to take that chance?
Note: I do, however, believe that in many instances, the drug industry in this country bilks the hell out of us. Cheaper drugs from Canada, for instance, sounds like a good deal - but in many cases, it isn't.
Their governments don't regulate what ingredients are in the drugs they manufacture and most of the time the end up hurting you instead of helping. It like taking a drink at bar from a stranger, would you risk it probably not.

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