Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why should cell phones be prohibited while driving?

Im doing a research paper and I need a good point why they shouldn't be restirected while driving?
There have been various analyses of circumstances leading to traffic accidents.
* Intoxicated
* distracted

Most of us can do a lot of things at the same time.
Many of us can too easily get distracted, thus laws get passed to try to block the distractions.

Once upon a time, you could have a TV station playing in the car ... laws were made to say only back seat passengers could see the TV screen, because it was so distracting to drivers that they had lots of accidents.

I think we may be headed down that same road with pictures on cell phones, text messaging, GPS map direction systems, etc. Where the rule would be ... you want to use that stuff, first pull over to side of road to use it ... finished using it ... turn it off before resuming the driving.

It is my understanding that driving, while paying more attention to cell phone than to driving, has about the same rate of accidents as driving while drunk.

When you are driving, do you need to be able to hear traffic noises like a siren ... can you hear that Ok while talking on cell phone?

Do you have the kind of cell phone, where you can talk on it with your hands free to drive, or do you have to take one hand off the steering wheel to hold the cell phone up to your ear?

There is a kind with like ear phones that are over your head with microphone under your chin ... well you can use both hands to drive, but now you can't hear the traffic noises.
your a girl..who probably talks all the time while driving.
soooo write one on how you would just die if they took your phone away
Well according to studies by (I believe it was allstate or state farm) an insurance company, cell phones do distract drivers, but hands free devices do not change the impact, and the impact is very small compared to just having a passenger in the car, and having 2 or more passengers in the car is as distractive or even more than a cell phone.

This is why the law was passed that new teenage drivers cannot have more than one non-family passenger in the car for the first 6 months of driving (this is likely a state law) your logic, we should have one seater cars because conversation is the problem...or ban talking in cars.

Those who say we cannot multi-task, you also believe that everyone is depressed or bi-polar, also don't you? Realty is that we all multi-task all the time. You can focus on many things at the same time. Communication is a distraction, but so are advertisments.
They should be restricted because people drive like idiots when they are gabbing on them. Also, you use the same area of your brain to drive as you do to talk, so when you are asking your brain to do two things at once in the same area of the brain, something checks out and unfortunately sometimes, that is your driving. I know you wanted info on why cell phone gabbing should not be restricted, but I can't give you any because I don't agree with it.
I do not think Cell phones should be banned while driving but they should be hands free, and no texting, etc. People listen to the radio but of course they are not having a conversation with a person. I think it should be restricted to over 19 as by then the driver has some experience. Younger ages are not properly equipped to handle a car , even though they think they are. Concentration is lost and people do not pay attention. I would make every state a hands free cell phone state for a start, restrict by age. This could include some older folk too who do not drive too well either. One needs a cell for emergencies and it is good for busy people to get some phone calls made uniterrupted..To just gab while driving for no reason..I do not believe in that.. I believe it is too drastic to restrict phones totally in cars but there must be rules attached.
Cell phones, eating, applying makeup, drinking are all distractions. people get into talking so much about their day or themselves on a cell phone and before they know it they've killed someone or caused an accident.
Because humans CANNOT multi-task, they THINK they can, but in a British survey, is was shown they cannot!
You either concentrate on your driving, OR, on your conversation.
But NEVER both.
They are a major distraction. Like tattie says, a person cannot focus on more than one thing at a time.
If you'd ever almost been run off the road by a woman talking in her cell and at the same time putting on her make up you'd know why cell phones should be prohiblited while driving.
Actually cell phones are not restricted while you're behind the wheel if you simply pull off to the side of the road and park the car until your conversation is finished.
I'm confused. Are you asking why they should be prohibited or why they shouldn't be? You asked both.

Since people have already given why they should be, I'll give a why the shouldn't be: Necessity. Because of our fast paced society, sometimes it is necessary to drive and talk with people over the cell phone at the same time.

I do not agree with this, but you could put it in your research paper.

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