No one has ever died from smoking weed. It can be abused but so can alcohol. Smoking and drinking kill thousands of people a year.
marijuana is illegal becuase the goverment is making to much moeny with it being illeagal and they couldnt make as much money if it was legal
Well first of all it's very addictive and harmful besides common hippie belief and it can cause severe damage to your brain because it kills of brain cells.
People want their drugs of choice legalized. Almost everyone drinks alcohol on a regular basis, so they want that drug to remain legal. Marijuana tends to be smoked by younger and poorer people, so there aren't as many advocates insisting that their drug of choice be legalized, too.
*Edit: I said tends to be smoked by - you can't dispute that. Also, let's be real - marijuana is usually the drug of young people and usually the drug of poor people. While there is a culture of it, most pot smokers aren't principled advocates of choice, okay? And buddy, I was on your side. I think pot should be legal, too. Do you smoke pot? If you do, I bet you're under 30.
that is not true. a lot of people under the influence of marijuana etc. also people have dies from other conditions due to marijuana.. and other drugs... that stem from marijuana not getting a person high enough. just like ciggerettes ..check out a marijuana smokers lungs etc. or brain scan. alcohol and smoking is not to be used in comparison. they are all bad for your health and all are potential killers. even in moderation... marijuana and ciggerettes are bad.
They claim it is the gateway drug that will lead to worse drugs like meth
marijuana was once primarily a drug used by blues/jazz musicians and others in the black community.
as it gained popularity w/the white community it was thought to be a sign of declining morals and the corrupting influence of the black population on the white population and thus made progressively more illegal and more taboo.
the biggest problem with marijuana (weed) is that we honestly don't know a whole lot about what it in fact does. The simple fact that it is illegal to smoke makes it illegal to test with. We do know, from observation, that it induces a hightened metabolism (medical weed) and that it seems to kill brain cells (weed head), but there is very little conclusive scientific evidence about it. We don't really know if it is physically addictive, though it is almost certainly psychologically so. I am personally in favor of making it a controlled substance on the lines of alcohol (all the money we would save from the war on drugs + tax revenues for our terrible deficit/debt right now), but the main limiting factors of this seem to be the generation in control's particular social outlooks to this (same reason there are still sanctions on Cuba 17 years after the end of the Cold War).
People all over the place are getting high on xanax and ritalin and all kinds of other extremely potent and addictive drugs that are nice and legal. Weed is illegal because the tobacco lobby a long time ago didn't want the competition that a drug that grows in all 50 states posed. Go watch Reefer Madness. Anybody that has ever smoked marijuana knows how full of crap that film was but for all the ignorant people out there, it was the gospel truth. How can pharmaceuticals sell people marijuana? How can tobacco companies sell people marijuana? They can't. People would just grow their own. That's why marijuana is illegal.
Marijuana has negative effects which everybody knows all-too-well, so I don't need to get into that. You're asking why weed and not tobacco or alcohol. Here's the answer.
It's a cultural thing. Tobacco and alcohol are European drugs of choice. Marijuana was mainly used by Mexicans in the border states, so making it illegal gave the US an excuse to deport Mexicans by the busload. Then they released the propaganda videos like "Reefer Madness" to keep it from becoming more popular.
I think another part of it is that the government acknowledges that alcohol and tobacco aren't going anywhere (they tried illegalizing alcohol, remember), so they figure they might as well fight the other drugs that haven't become an accepted part of our culture.
And since it's not a legal industry, it doesn't have big-money lobbyists like alcohol and tobacco do.
Your attempt to justify smoking pot won't change the knowledge you have that it is damaging in ways beyond physical. The fact is, marajuana does kill the central nervous system, but beside that . . theres the whole lack of motivation thing. You think you're doing things, but being stones makes you unaware. You will waste your life smoking marajuan and one day when you're old you will say "I wish I hadn't". If that's the worse thing that happens to you .. congradulations.
Although there would be obvious complications from legalizing yet another mind %26 physical functionality drug [A- more people die every year due to alcohol use than thru any war, B- millions of dollars are wasted due to the effects of alcohol on the work force, C- millions of dollars are wasted on health care due to the effects of alcohol on the human body], legalizing marijuana would also create a strong new tax base as well as employ thousands. Just think of all the tax income from alcohol %26 tobacco. Legalization would also free up millions of tax dollars now spend on eradication/enforcement.
Issues that keep it illegal...
Let's consider the conservative nature of near 50% of the population. Marijuana has been labeled a drug almost forever! How can you expect this group to buy into the idea of legalizing a drug (as they sip their martinis)?
Let's consider the US government signed agreements with numerous countries many years ago that marijuana would not be legalized in the US.
Let's consider the government likes power %26 it currently has a lot of power invested with the DEA as well as all other enforcement officers %26 bureaucrasy.
Let's consider that for all the anecdotal evidence showing marijuana has medicinal benefits, NO scientific study has been able to verify even one medical benefit.
Let's consider the health issues related to smoking, whether smoking the legal tobacco or the illegal marijuana. [Millions spent yearly due to tobacco smoke %26 marijuana smoke has been shown to be as health damaging if not more so.]
Let's consider the government can seize property %26 money from drug dealers.
There are many reasons it is illegal. And the arguments why it should be legal pretty much come down to, "It's no worse than alcohol."
Those 2 reasons are not exactly the only reasons why. Granted the government has a vested interest in keeping it illegal but they also have health/medical reasons. The 1st paragraph of my answer gives a very good reason - why double the amount of troubles caused by alcohol by legalizing a 2nd drug that has many of the same problems associated with it?
As for your own personal use %26 the influence it has on your life, a user is not a very good judge. The influence of its use effects your decision-making ability. As with the government, YOU also have a vested interest.
Everybody I have ever met who spends serious time trying to legalize marijuana is a serious pothead. Everyone is worthless, unmotivated, dirty and drag on society.
That being said it should be legal. however I also think all businesses should also have the right to test any employee at any time and if they test positive for marijuana they can be fired. Furthermore I believe all medical, life and car insurance companies could void your policies if you test positive. Any crime committed while under the influence would carry an additional penalty. If you want to sit in a room and smoke pot all day long, so long as it affects no one else I could care less.
I think it's because of Ronald Reagan.
Actually people do die from smoking weed. It damages the lungs just like tobacco. One of the major causes of death in India and Jamaica is emphysema and lung cancer related to smoking Marijuana and Hashish, both places see it as holy(Rastafaris and Shivite Hindus)
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