Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why would ex-spouse want to use my address.How to find out if ex-spouse is stealing from our child?

Abbreviated version.I have a child living with me (since birth) that is "foster child" situation. Parent deserted this child but stays in touch enough to have "rights". Bio -parent went through bankrupcy and I suspect is using the childs identity somehow to get money (spends excessive amounts of money!! where does it come from?) do I find this out?? I have not "legal"rights to request credit checks for my child.

The other thing.we have been getting mult credit card offers and bills at our house with ex-spouses name but OUR address.should I be worried? This never used to happen but now is starting to? How do you find out if someone is using your address?...why would they WANT to?
Any credit card bills you get for your ex should be returned to sender. Just write "Addressee unknown" and drop it in a mail box. Don't give it to your ex. Sounds like he is trying to scam you and the card company.

If you have a foster child you have legal guardianship awarded to you by the state. You can check the 3 major credit rating services. You can tell them you suspect someone is illegally using your child's information for credit card fraud.

One question at a time. I counted 2. When they are totally unrelated you should submit them separately.
Are you getting bills and credit card offers in the child's name or just your ex's name?
Talk to your social worker about this. He or she should be able to help. Also, talk to your local police about what they suggest.

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